Shooting Monday 22nd in the UK
Fee: £350 WALK-ON RATE
Summary: ‘Valerie’ lives in london and has a job interview in edinburgh… these humerous spots find her weighing up the pros and cons of ‘train… or car..?” and ‘train… or plane?!’. Why take the train? We’ll show you.
Suggestions please for:
PRISON GUARDS / POLICE OFFICERS: MEN (WALK-ON) (Male, 30 – 55) Description: Looking for some big, intimidating, pasty looking prison guards/police officers. They must be strong and aggressive. Looking for men and women for this
PRISON GUARDS / POLICE OFFICERS WOMEN (WALK-ON) (Female, 30 – 55) Description: Looking for some big, intimidating, pasty looking prison guards/police officers. They must be strong and aggressive. No women under 5’5″ Please note height when submitting