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Child Modelling - All Models Wanted

Child Modelling

Do child models need model licences? 

A. Yes they do.  The license is free and easy to obtain. 

What sort of model work could my child get? 

A. Your child might appear anywhere from a cover of a parenting magazine, national TV adverts, in store advertising , poster for child products, games feature on packaging for toys or child medication, in catalogues, posters on buses, posters for children,s charities …The list is endless. 

Do I pay tax for my child?
Children do not pay tax or national 


Do I bring my child to and from jobs? If I am busy can I send some one else? 

A. Yes and you are usually paid a fee plus travel expenses along with the child. If you are busy you can arrange for somebody else to accompany the child with your written consent usually.

What will my child be paid? 

A. This various from job to job. Typically a child can be paid anything from £100 half day, £200 full day, £40 / £50 per hour. If the child was lucky enough to be booked for a TV commercial then this rate could rise quite significantly. 

What is the minimum age for a child ? When does a child become an adult in modelling? 

A. Agencies accept models as young as new born. In modelling terms as a child turns 18 they are classed as an adult. 

Do children still need portfolios ? 

A. Children are changing as they grow however all models need a portfolio for promotion regardless of the age. Without this tool it is near impossible to be hired. Images from jobs can be added to portfolios to keep up to date. 

Do child models need model licences? A. Yes, full details are below: 

A model agency will apply for a performance licence once the child has been booked on the first paid model job not before. This must be done by law, the process is free and simple. Performance licences are issued by the local council. 

Before giving a child a performance licence the council will talk to the headteacher of the child’s school. This is to make sure the child’s education won’t suffer if they work in TV, theatre or modelling. 


A child does not require a performance licence when: 

  • The child is required to perform for one day and in the 6 months preceding that performance the child has not exceeded the 3 day unlicensed exemption period (a child can possibly perform for 4 days in a 6 month period without the need for a licence);
  • And they do not require time off school (paid or unpaid);
  • Or the performance is under arrangements made with school or a Body of Persons (Body of Persons exemptions can be granted by a local education authority or secretary of state if certain criteria are met);
  • And no payment is made to the child or any other person, except for defraying expenses.
  • Children & Young Persons Act 1933 & 1963
  • Children (Performances) Regulations 1968
  • The Children (Performances) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1998 (1)
  • The Children (Performances) Amendment Regulations 2000
  • The Children (Performances) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2000
  • Statutory Instruments 1968 No. 1728, 1998 No. 1678, 2000 No. 10 & No. 238