Shoot: 29th & 30th Sep 16 + travel in Romania must have a passport
Fee £350 per shoot day based on 12 hour day + 20% agency fee. Buyout 2 years all Internet media 1200% = £4200 +20% agency fee TV Global 2 months only £3800 + 20% agency fee. Rehearsal £175 per travel/rest/fitting days
IMPORTANT: We are casting a very cool spot. At this stage we can say whom the spot is for as we have signed an NDA . Artists will be asked to sign NDA at the casting session.
MALE: Playing age 18-25 years old. Pale looking. He should be slim or sporty ( not to big). Long face. Heart-shape / Diamond jaw line. Think fantasy Lord of the Rings / Hobbit / Manga cartoon feel etc. He is going to playing a real fantasy character. We will wig the guy but he still must have the following feel: Maybe he is maybe south East Asian / Caucasian / Nordic eyes or mixed south East Asian euro Asian feel. It would be great if this person does some sort of martial arts or sword fighting / gymnasts/ sports or good at movement as they will do some moves in the spot and at the casting. Please mention skills when suggesting!!!!!